17 research outputs found

    Film as a tool for media literacy education

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    Abstract. In this general literature review I try to answer the question of film being a tool for media literacy education. Previous literature on the theory, policy and pedagogy are used to approach the research question. Deriving from these three key areas an argument could be made for the use of film in education

    A new breast tomosynthesis imaging method : Continuous Sync-and-Shoot - technical feasibility and initial experience

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    Background Digital breast tomosynthesis (DBT) is gaining popularity in breast imaging. There are several different technical approaches for conducting DBT imaging. Purpose To determine optimal imaging parameters, test patient friendliness, evaluate the initial diagnostic performance, and describe diagnostic advances possible with the new Continuous Sync-and-Shoot method. Material and Methods Thirty-six surgical breast specimens were imaged with digital mammography (DM) and a prototype of a DBT system (Planmed Oy, Helsinki, Finland). We tested the patient friendliness of the sync-and-shoot movement without radiation exposure in eight volunteers. Different imaging parameters were tested with 20 specimens to identify the optimal combination: angular range 30 degrees, 40 degrees, and 60 degrees; pixel binning; Rhodium (Rh) and Silver (Ag) filtrations; and different kV and mAs values. Two breast radiologists evaluated 16 DM and DBT image pairs and rated six different image properties. Imaging modalities were compared with paired t-test. Results The Continuous Sync-and-Shoot method produced diagnostically valid images. Five out of eight volunteers felt no/minimal discomfort, three experienced mild discomfort from the tilting movement of the detector, with the motion being barely recognized. The combination of 30 degrees, Ag filtering, and 2 x 2 pixel binning produced the best image quality at an acceptable dose level. DBT was significantly better in all six evaluated properties (P <0.05). Mean Dose(DBT)/Dose(DM) ratio was 1.22 (SD = 0.42). Conclusion The evaluated imaging method is feasible for imaging and analysing surgical breast specimens and DBT is significantly better than DM in image evaluation.Peer reviewe

    Assessing the costs and environmental benefits of IMO regulations of ship-originated SOx and NOx emissions in the Baltic Sea

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    To assess the value of the environmental benefits of the Sulphur Emission regulation (SECA) that came into force in 2015, changes in depositions of SOx and NOx from ship exhaust gas emissions were modelled and monetized for the Baltic Sea region for the years 2014 and 2016. During this period, the total deposition of SOx in the study area decreased by 7.3%. The decrease in ship-originated SOx deposition from 38 kt to 3.4 kt (by over 88%) was translated into a monetary value for the ecosystem impacts of nearly 130 million USD, according to the EcoValue08 model. This is less than the modelled health benefits, but it is not insignificant. For NOx, there was no decreasing trend. The exceedance of the critical loads of SOx and NOx was also estimated. The effect of Baltic shipping on the exceedance of critical loads of acidification after SECA is very small, but Baltic shipping still has a considerable effect on the exceedance of critical loads for eutrophication.</p

    Merenkulun kansainvälisen ilmasto- ja ympäristösääntelyn vaikutukset Suomen elinkeinoelämälle

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    Merenkulun ympäristösääntelyn aiheuttamien kustannusten ohella syntyy myös säästöjä muun muassa energiatehokkuuden parantumisen kautta. Tiedossa olevan ympäristösääntelyn vuosittainen kustannusvaikutus Suomen meritse tapahtuvalle ulkomaankaupalle vuosina 2020–2025 on noin 25–40 miljoonaa euroa per vuosi, mikä on noin 0,1 – 0,2 % teollisuuden ja kaupan alan kaikista logistiikkakustannuksista. Keskeisistä vientitoimialoista suurin kustannusrasitus kohdistuu metalli-, metsä- ja kemianteollisuudelle. Mikäli kasvihuonekaasupäästöjä pyrittäisiin rajoittamaan päästökaupalla, tämä nostaisi Suomen elinkeinoelämälle kohdistuvia kustannuksia vuositasolla noin 25–30 miljoonaa euroa. Sääntely luo myös liiketoiminta- ja kasvumahdollisuuksia mm. laitevalmistajille, järjestelmätoimittajille, alussuunnittelijoille sekä korjaus- ja purkutelakoille. Alusten energiatehokkuusindeksin, EEDIn tulevia vaiheita koskevissa neuvotteluissa olisi Suomen kannalta huomioitava erityisesti sääntelyn vaikutus talvimerenkulkuun ja alusten kykyyn kulkea jäissä. Sääntelymuutokset synnyttävät myös merkittävät maailmanlaajuiset markkinat alusten päästöjä ja energiankulutusta vähentäville ratkaisuille. Useat suomalaisyritykset ovat näiden teknologioiden toimittajien kärkeä, ja niillä on hyvät edellytykset hyödyntää liiketoimintapotentiaali

    Clean Shipping: Exploring the impact of emission regulation

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    The environmental impact of the maritime industry has been under much public discussion,culminating in 2015 when regulations limiting sulphur content from shipping vessels came intoeffect in the Baltic Sea. Since then, the maximum sulphur content of fuel used by all ships navigating the Sulphur Emission Control Area (SECA) must be no more than 0.1 per cent. Up-to-date information on thetechnical efficiency and socio-economic impacts of different clean shipping solutions and theircapacity to comply with the regulations, however, is currently very limited. In order to develop future environmental regulations, policy makers and authorities need more knowledge. The shipping industry also needs to make informed investment decisions. To allow for knowledge-based decision making, discussions are needed involving maritime authorities, policy makers, NGOs, and the private sector.We have answered questions on the shipping industry's compliance with environmentalregulations, examining the technical efficiencies of different techniques for removing pollutionfrom exhaust gases. We have also explored the cost-effectiveness of various compliancemeasures used across the industry.Modelling methods have enabled us to assess current and future compliance costs as well aslook at the effects on public health and the environment. We have taken a closer look at threecities in the region to spread best practice on air quality measurement and modelling at a localscale. We have provided analysis to make recommendations that will improve the welfare of thepeople of the Baltic Sea Region. For environmental regulation to be effective, compliance needs to be monitored and noncompliance needs to be sanctioned. We have also presented findings on compliance levels and reflect on the attitudes of ship-owners responsible for meeting the regulations.The project aims to support maritime businesses and economic growth. Clean shipping solutionsprovide the potential for businesses to innovate. The development of clean shipping technologiesleads to spin-off enterprises and allows European industry actors to lead the way in globalmarkets. The Baltic Sea Region is a forerunner in this respect, acting as a living laboratory forclean shipping. The effectiveness of SECA was analysed by comparing the costs and benefits of the regulation according to a framework presented in Lähteenmäki-Uutela et al. (2018). As part of this work, wehave developed a free web-based economic decision-making tool to help companies estimate investment costs and decide what investments to make to comply with SECA regulations.In addition to promoting technological development and improving future regulation, we havebeen active in sharing the results with the wider community. Finding ways to meet the increasingdemand for improved air quality will ultimately bring economic opportunities as well as wellbeingfor the people of the region.</p

    Mammografialaitteen suhteellisen fokuspisteen paikan määrittäminen tomosynteesi sekvenssin aikana käyttämällä kuvadataa

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    Geometric distortions occur when the acquisition locations deviate from the ideal locations that are used in the image reconstruction algorithms. These deviations result from c-arms bending due to gravitation, imperfections in manufacturing, detectors position and vibrations. If these distortions end in reconstructions they might cause reduction in contrast and artifacts. These reduce the image quality and affect on the physicians interpretation of the images. The aim of this thesis is to study, is it possible to measure the actual acquisition location during a tomographic sequence with adequate precision by using a phantom produced with general manufacturing accuracy. The study was executed by designing a phantom with maximized accuracy and easy modifiability. The phantom was made out of acrylic plates and grooves were cut to the top and bottom surfaces. Metallic cylinder shaped objects were inserted to the grooves. The metallic objects generated lines. These lines were used to form intersection points. Intersection points measured from the phantom and their corresponding projections on the detector were used to calculate the acquisition locations during the tomosynthesis sequence. Geometry was used in the calculations. The results were compared to the ideal acquisition locations. The ideal acquisition locations were calculated from the parameters received from the mammography machine. The tests were performed with an uncalibrated phantom. This means that the phantom was not coplanar with the detector. The results show that there were significant deviation between the measured x-, z-, and y-coordinates of the focal spot's location compared to the ideal values. Although there were difference between the ideal and the measured values, the deviation was systematic. The systematic error is likely caused by the difference in the detectors and the phantoms position. Results indicate that the method introduced in this thesis is suitable for determining the location of the focal spot, but it is really sensitive to measurement errors. As the deviation between the measured and ideal values is mostly systematic it can be assumed that by using more precise equations and calibration, the phantom could be used to determine the location of the focal spot accurately.Geometrista vääristymää aiheutuu, kun rekonstruktioalgoritmissa käytetty kuvauspisteen sijainti ei ole kuvauspisteen todellinen sijainti. Ideaalisen ja todellisen kuvauspisteen sijainnin vaihtelu aiheutuu gravitaation aiheuttamasta mekaanisesta taipumisesta, valmistusepätarkkuudesta, detektorin asennosta sekä värähtelyistä. Geometrinen vääristymä heikentää kuvanlaatua ja vaikuttaa kuvan tulkintaan Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on selvittää, voidaanko yleisesti käytössä olevilla valmistusmenetelmillä saavutettavalla tarkkuudella valmistetun phantomin avulla määrittää fokuspisteen sijainti riittävän tarkasti, käyttäen kuvadataa. Tutkimukset suoritettiin suunnittelemalla fantomi jonka tarkkuus pyrittiin maksimoimaan ja joka oli helposti muunneltavissa. Fantomi valmistettiin akryylistä ja sen ylä- ja alapintaan työstettiin uria. Näihin uriin sijoiteltiin metallisia sylinterin muotoisia objekteja. Metalliset objektit muodostivat viivoja. Näiden viivojen leikkauspisteet muodostivat mitattavat pisteet. Fantomista mitattuja pisteistä ja niiden detektorille syntyneitä projektioita käytettiin kaavoissa joilla laskettiin fokuspisteen sijainti tomosynteesisekvenssin aikana. Tuloksia verrattiin mammografialaitteesta saatuihin ideaalisiin arvoihin. Testit suoritetun kalibroimattomalla fantomilla, joten fantomi ja detektori eivät olleet samansuuntaisia. Tulokset kertovat, että mitattujen ja ideaalisten fokuspisteen x-, y- ja z-koordinaattien välillä oli merkittäviä eroja. Ideaalisten ja mitattujen arvojen ero on kuitenkin systemaattinen. Systemaattinen virhe johtuu todennäköisesti fantomin ja detektorin välisestä asentoerosta. Tulokset osoittavat, että tutkimuksessa esitetty soveltuu fokuspisteen paikan määrittämiseen, mutta menetelmä on hyvin sensitiivinen mittausvirheille. Koska mitattujen ja ideaalisten arvojen ero oli suurimmaksi osin systemaattista, voidaan olettaa, että käyttämällä paremmin soveltuvia kaavoja ja kalibroimalla fantomin asento, kehitettyä fantomia voidaan käyttää fokuspisteen paikan tarkassa määrittämisessä